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At EducationForAll, we understand the importance of having a well-written EHCP. That's why we offer our EHCP Contents Appeal service, which covers Sections B, F, and I. We'll use your reports, emails, letters, and the Education, Health, and Care Plan to create a Grounds of Appeal that outlines the background of your child's Special Educational Needs and Special Educational Provisions. Our advocate uses case law and legislation to ensure that your child or young person's needs are accurately represented in their EHCP. With our focus on section F, we ensure that all the necessary specifics and quantifications are included to meet their needs In addition to filling out the tribunal form, we also provide a detailed description of the school and how we believe it can best meet the child's needs. Let us help you navigate the appeal process and achieve the best outcome for your child. Please note that this service is document work and does not include an appointment to speak to someone

EHCP contents appeal B,F and I

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